To all followers, I hope you will find something that will be of interest in the following pages of research.
I am still getting my head around ......

About Me

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I am not a kitten but a mature aged feline. I have at home a Tom cat who I love dearly and two wonderful little kittens who made me this beautiful little hat. Originally from overseas, hence the full head of hair, I have settled here in Australia (17years) and love everything about the lifestyle and people.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflective Synopsis

The technological changes in this the twenty first century is having fundamental effects on the way in which we learn and live our everyday lives. Smith &Lynch (2006, p.56) state that the knowledge-base of today is dynamic, as new innovations and advancements supersede the former at exponential rates, requiring continual learning to maintain knowledge currency.

Beginning this course in E-Learning, I was a little hesitant about my own abilities and felt like a fish out of water. I have since then discovered that age is no barrier to learning and that through perseverance, time and sequential learning, I was able to personally succeed. Throughout this course I have discovered many things about myself, such as, using technology takes patience, is addictive, must be hands on, and can be very frustrating at times.

This course has me asking a lot of questions about the purpose of many tools, the suitability of use in the classroom and how the tool will enhance the students learning. I now understand that no matter what ICT tool you use, you must have effective lesson plans that ask the 8 Learning Management questions (Smith &Lynch 2006). McCullough (2010) discusses the “cycle of planning” stating that the process (or more correctly the "cycle") for ICT planning in schools is essentially no different to the cycle for any other planning activity. He also talks the importance of evaluating what we are teaching, not only to gauge our success, but also to guide future planning. I realise from this, that to have authentic effective lessons, I need to keep abreast of the many changes in technology, so that my lessons are current and do not become outdated or meaningless to the students in the 21st century classroom. 

Time is required for teachers to become more effective users and guiders for the students in their care, as many feel they are technological incompetents (Ashman, 2009). That was me at the beginning of this course, hence the name TECHNOCLUE. Bitner (2002) states that before technology can effect changes in the classroom, those ultimately responsible for the classroom must be considered. Teachers must learn to use technology and must allow it to change their present teaching paradigm. I believe that a school with strong leadership understands the importance of teacher training which will therefore assist teachers in becoming more technologically savvy. Lovely lesson plans using ICT tools may look good on paper, but to have meaningful lessons, careful planning for the effectiveness and purpose of each tool is critical. This must then be followed by critical reflection of the effectiveness of each process within the lesson and the effectiveness of the ICT tool. (McCullogh, 2010). Realising the importance of effective planning and reflection brought me to a point during this course, to see that I was only thinking about students who had the ability to use the ICT tools. I was not thinking about those students who had disabilities and required technology to attend schools. Bridge and Crosser (2010, p. 172) state that Technologies are fundamental to the successful inclusion of students with disabilities in schools. They go on to say that there are many challenges for teachers to learn about new technologies for disabled students, but information and communication technologies offer students the opportunity to compensate for physical or functional limitations, allowing then access to the curriculum and communities by enlarging the scope of activities available to them. I felt quite humbled when I read this and began to appreciate the importance that ICT tools, can have to assist all students in an inclusive classroom. (Education Qld, 2002)

The tools that I have researched from the Moodle site have been posted on my Blog, along with numerous others such as Movie Maker and Ipod Technology in the classroom. I did discover that due to my involvement with both my children’s schools, I was quite up to date with the ICT teaching tools used in schools today. However I did find many tools that were very new to me, such as PREZI, WIKI’S, PICASA, MOBAPHOTO and Bubbl.us. As a kinaesthetic learner I discovered that to find out how effective the tools were I needed to practise and then try them out on my little guinea pigs (Connor and Heather). Some tools were more suitable for the Upper to High school students (Connor), where as, the six I have chosen were more suitable to lower- middle primary (Heather).

 Discussions with my peers through Blog interactions as well as face to face have assisted me greatly. Firstly, by giving me an insight into why some tools can enhance students learning. Secondly giving me the opportunity to share my own understandings of a specific tool and finally, realising that a deeper understanding of an ICT tool is required before introducing it in a classroom. (View discussions)

 I have selected six tools that I would like to discuss in more detail. I have chosen these out of the countless tools, as I am studying Early Childhood and consider these to be the most suitable (of the ones I have tested) and will enhance learning for students in year levels (P-3). With all these tools, scaffolding through discussion, modelling (MINE – OURS – YOURS) and reflection will be required at each stage of use. I have selected the BIG 6 design framework as it has six simple steps to follow, these being task definition, information seeking strategies, location and access, use of information, synthesis and evaluation. For lower grades instead of the BIG 6 there are the Super 3, being plan, do and review. Alongside the Dimensions of Learning (Marzano & Pickering, 1997), these two learning frameworks would assist in enhancing student learning in the use of ICT tools, whilst making it meaningful with real life skills, such as communication, cooperation, problem solving and higher order thinking.




How to use
effectively within the classroom

*Simple to design. *Students could add posts, pictures
etc simply to site.
*Parents could respond to Blog.

*Timetabling for the
completion of Blog (weekly).

*Class computers must be made available.*Permission to use within school.

I would use this in
lower grades to create a class Blog. Students would have ownership of all
posts this being promoted through cooperation,
creativity, engagement and school and class citizenship. Partnerships (home –
school) would be enhanced with students able to discuss with their parents
all their learning thus taking pride in their work.

*Very quick and easy
to use.*Engaging tool with a good choice of characters.* Students can either
type message or record message. Safe in the knowledge that students own image
not identified.

applications in the classroom.*Voice difficult to recognise at times.*Short
dialogue required.

As a hook (Engage)
to any lesson, this would be an effective tool. Short instructions, personal
message, or used to tell students what they will be learning today. Working
with a class Blog, students would use cooperation to work collaboratively in
small groups to design a Voki, and choose the
message. This would involve active citizenship along with group identity
(Education Qld, 2002) where students are encouraged to work alongside peers
and have their ideas valued.

*Simple to use. *Assists students with research.* Promotes
students in acquiring and integrating knowledge.

*Keyboard skills
required along with understanding of key phrases.*Sites within schools would
have to be checked before hand if available. (Some
restrictions)* Online safety must be discussed
before commencement.

I would begin using
this tool as a whole class exercise. Discussion would take place about what
we are looking for and what words we should key in to find some extra
information. This would be very effective to use the BIG 6 / Super 3 alongside
as a guideline for students to follow.

*Simple to use. *Assist students with staying connected to the world
in which they live.*Use at any level.*

*Computers or
Interactive white board must be accessible.*

In class, I would
use this tool so that students can see the changes to the planet. In the KLA
of science and SOSE, we could look at earth from a different perspective,
travel around the world, and observe countries of interest and buildings, discovering
new facts.

*Easy to follow step
by step instructions. *Adding music and descriptions
promoting student creativity.
Assist visual learners.

*Understanding of
digital cameras must come first.*Safety of images (permission).*Handling of

This tool would be used in conjunction with the scaffolding of the
use of digital cameras. As they are so accessible students in small groups
could work together to take photos, and then through teamwork select the
best, and create their story. In doing this students would be extending and
refining their knowledge, problem solving and encourage students to work with

Easy to follow
*Promote student

*Word recognition/
spelling required.

I would use this
tool in class as a KWL. Students could type words that they wish to know more
about and then discussed.

Up to date
to use.*Portable.*Inexpensive.*Easy manipulation.

Care for equipment.

Could use across
many KLA’s especially Math, English and Music. Self paced tool, which
promotes independence and self challenge.

 During this course I have developed a deeper understanding of the design of ICT activities at all student levels. Education Queensland (2003), states that for learning managers it is important to identify and accommodate both the learning styles and the sensory and cognitive access, response, input and output needs of all students. Understanding this, I still have this little voice saying “What happens when it all goes wrong?” I was reading in the National Geographic about The 21st Century Grid. This was quite an eye opening article written by Joel Achenbach (2010, p. 122), where he describes us as creatures of the grid, we are embedded in it and empowered by it. The article went on to discuss the capabilities of the Grid and due to the outdated equipment and all our modern day electrical equipment the power might just go out, leaving us fumbling for flashlights and candles... Then it struck me, what if somebody turned off the switch, where would that leave the learning manager and the students. This brought me back to the importance of designing effective lessons that use ICT’s to enhance learning and support effective teacher pedagogy. I believe that students require an all rounded education that incorporates ICT’s into their everyday learning, together with thorough understandings in literacy and numeracy. Having these skills will enable students to comprehend the world of technology in a more successful manner, thus enhancing learning and promoting life long learners.


Achenbach. J. (2010, July) The 21st Century Grid. National Geographic, p.122.

Ashman. A. (2009). Contemporary Cultures and Education: In Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for inclusion and Diversity (3rd ed. (pp.35 - 56). Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson Education

Bitner, N., Bitner, J. (2002). Integrating Technology into the Classroom: Eight Keys to Success. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Vol. 10. Retrieved August 16, 2010 from


Bridge, D., Croser. R. (2009). Information and Communication Technologies. In Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for inclusion and Diversity (3rd ed. (pp.35 - 56). Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson Education Australia.

Eisenberg. M.B., & Berkowitz. R.E. (1987)The "Big6™" Retrieved July 10 2010 from http://www.big6.com/

Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (1997). Dimensions of learning teacher’s manual (2nd ed.). Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory.

McCullough. W. (2010). Wazmacdotcom: Resources and ideas for innovative schools. Retrieved August 10, 2010 from


Smith, R., & Lynch, D. (2006). The rise of the learning manager: Changing teacher Education. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.

Smith, R., & Lynch, D. (2007). Learning Management. Transitioning teachers for national and international change. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training) 2002. A guide to Productive Pedagogies: Classroom Reflection Manual. Brisbane, QLD: State of Queensland.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training) 2003. Years P-3 A guide to Productive Pedagogies: Classroom Reflection Manual. Brisbane, QLD: State of Queensland.

Swear image

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